Friday, October 3, 2008

Unit 7 Reading Notes

How Internet Infrastructure Works

This was a pretty good summary of how the internet works, and covered a lot of basic topics. (The parts where it discussed dial-up made me remember when that was all I had. I don't know how I managed without my high-speed access!) And I agree with this "One of the greatest things about the Internet is that nobody really owns it." Though I know some people are trying to. The site also gives a little bit of history, and I think it's interesting to read about people creating the frameworks for what we have today. I don't really have much else to say about this one, though.

Dismantling Integrated Library Systems

Discusses what is needed for an effective ILS. New technology and developments cost, but libraries can't or don't pay enough to keep updates and innovation moving well enough. New services may not integrate well with existing systems. It basically sounds like no one really knows where to go with ILS systems. Systems are changing, and it is getting more complex to integrate everything.

Inside the Google Machine

Cool visual representation of people using Google, by language.
Search patterns - you can see by country who is searching for things and can also compare interest levels on various topics this way.
Little activity in Africa so far
1 second representation of queries and traffic
Google Foundation and Google Grants - gives ad credit to charities
Googlette - small experimental/innovative project at Google (Google News) is used to keep innovations going. 20% of time can be used for anything.
I think Google is a fascinating company. The talk was pretty interesting.

1 comment:

dudacm said...

I thought the Google spot was really interesting, too. The global search graphic was amazing to watch. It says a lot for the future of libraries, doesn't it? People really want to be able to find information themselves, and libraries will need to adapt to that.

Also, these two seem to genuinely believe in providing an environment where creativity cn flourish; I wish more companies would take a page from their book.