Friday, November 7, 2008

Unit 10 Reading Notes

Web Search Engines: Part 1 & 2 reminded me just how interesting it is that search engines can get us fast, accurate results, with minimal spam. Spam filters are getting so much better, and the search engine algorithms are improving all the time. It's a complicated system, and there are so many things to be aware of-- the politeness aspect was one I hadn't thought of much, but it's important. I know a bit about SEO, so not all of this information was new to me, but these readings were clear and pretty easy to understand.

Current developments and future trends for the OAI protocol for metadata harvesting - Not really familiar with OAI, but has to do with metadata, searching databases, and so on, to create better access to information.

The Deep Web: Surfacing Hidden Value - Good comments on searching, the limitations of searching, the problems we face trying to both narrow results and provide access to as much information as possible, and the difference between surface content and the deep web. 750 terabytes is a massive amount of information! I'm not surprised that some of the biggest deep web sites are government sites, either. Interesting comment on how "higher quality" really means "did I get what I wanted?"